24 December 2007 (Sawf News) - Salman made a subdued but endearing appearance towards the end of Nach Nach Baliye 3 Grand Finale Saturday, December 22. The very popular and controversial actor was ailing from laryngitis which constrained his voice but not his spirits.
The final episode was dragged to an incredible three hours by Star honchos, motivated by corporate greed in utter disregard to viewer sensibilities, forcing even Salman to take a dig at them.
Salman did his bit to keep viewer interest alive during the unending run up to the announcement of the results by calling the finalist on to the stage and dancing with them.
When the results were finally announced Salman presented the winner duo, Aamir Ali and Sanjeeda Sheikh, with the Nach Baliye trophy, Rs.20 Lakhs and a Chevrolet optra